09. April 2020 · Comments Off on Preschoolers · Categories: News · Tags: ,

Today our society needs to be ad hoc, multiple personality. We need not only knowledgeable, but also capable of creative work people. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Richard Stuart Linklater. Develop creativity preschool – adult problem. A favorable factor for the development of creative imagination is the child experimentation, self-employment with the new items: the child, knowing that the paint of another color can be obtained by mixing them, trying to to find a color not previously seen by them; tries to draw different objects that are not even designed for drawing (bird feather, nail, pin, nut, etc.), discoveries made by such an experiment. In addition, it is important teach children different ways of painting, to give an idea of the different techniques of image and enrich the emotional experience. For example, draw what you can give animals of the forest, or forest discovery (who could lose one or another thing). "Draw and Tell." (Flip a figure familiar poems and maintenance to protect the image). Older children should be encouraged to display their feelings in drawings, the impressions received on tours, museums, events Weekend, dreams, etc.

It is very important to teach children to think that they will draw tomorrow. Development of creative imagination, preschoolers help training exercises. Their task – to teach the children different techniques. There is no need to set the task to create an image, not to impose technique. The child chooses their own. The main thing here – the mastery of different methods and systems of the image. Classes are held gaming exercises, the method has a younger group. Adult offers an object image, a thing, but children reproduce them in their own way. For the development of the imagination can offer the children to draw the following topics: "Joy," "Fear," "Happiness," "I'm gay," "I'm sad," "Draw music "(march, waltz, galop)," Drawing the song bee (bumble-bee, beetle), "Drawing the heartbeat (pulse )…

09. April 2020 · Comments Off on Soviet Tower Of Babel · Categories: News · Tags: ,

Tower – Monument to the Third International (Tatlin's Tower) – the most popular overseas product of Soviet sculptures and architecture. In the United States and Western Europe, this tower is considered one of the most enigmatic characters of culture of the twentieth century. Tatlin entirely renounced the architectonics of traditional mullion-beam and frame structures, which bear a metaphoric formula to overcome the forces of gravity and the inertia of matter. "As a principle must be … to approve the monument was the site of the most intense movement: the least it should stand and sit, you should bear the mechanical …

"Steel spiral tower effortlessly lifted up into the sky – in the form of a spiral based on the idea of motion. Visually, this movement is supported by filling turns triangular designs, facing a sharp angle up, but actually implement it numerous electric elevators connecting parts of the building. If you would like to know more about Chip Bergh, then click here. Category motion is interpreted not only metaphorically, but really – the movement of elevators, free hover in space and the rotation of the main building volume on its axis are Art image. Project "tower", appeared in the devastated by two wars and the revolution half-starved country and the first step in lifting the innovative architectural creation as we do, and in the West. It is a huge building in its conception, height of 400 m, consisting of a mast-based console, double twist, forward-up of steel coils and suspended between crystal volume of a cube, pyramid, cylinder, hemisphere, breaks all the traditional ideas about architecture. It has gained worldwide fame and become a way of stimulating the creative idea of modern architects to this day. "Tatlin Tower" has been long forgotten.

But, fortunately, not forever. Worth of officials Cultural announce the participation of the Soviet Union in a world or simply an international exhibition of contemporary art, as West put the necessary condition: there must be the work of the Constructivists and especially Vladimir Tatlin. Additional information is available at Nike. USSR Ministry of Culture, which had so wanted to export to overseas exhibitions ideologically "correct" the artists had to make concessions, and the West gradually gained access to the constructivist works Russian avant-garde of the twenties. Copies tatlinskogo layout adorned the Guggenheim Museum in the USA and many museums of modern art in Western Europe. "Tower" and today are held in universities and high schools around the world as one of the peaks of world culture.

05. April 2020 · Comments Off on Peter Drucker · Categories: News

It is therefore very valid when noted, the material that work with universities, knowledge, aspect that should not be updated with this guarantee kept up-to-date, and more, knowing, knowledge seems to expand to infinity, while the available resources that are counted, barely reaches to learn about this real explosion. Also indicates us that the University is a transmitter of knowledge and recognizes knowledge an essential dimension for human beings and society (Zurita, 1998). They have to be clear the universities, their authorities, which modern society depends on increasing degree of knowledge, of its transmission, application, development and critical examination. A knowledge that increases in geometric progression as going activated him, taking into account. Rightly said, that before the previous reality, there is a greater demand for properly trained to know, understand and operate in complex phenomena of social realities, incorporating those instruments and procedures required accompanied by a greater capacity for abstraction and more powerful mastery of the techniques of simulation of all kinds (Herrera, 1998). To this regard, Nancy Alarcon and Ricardo Mendez us resembles saying about it the late Peter Drucker (1994), the greatest changes occurred in the field of knowledge and the biggest challenge is education since in the immediate future it will take educated different persons differently than as it is done todaywith capabilities appropriate to confront and resolve new situations in a rapidly changing environment. Connect with other leaders such as Amazon here. The fields of the knowledge and education are themselves of the University, though not in an exclusive way, and therefore the changes affecting them affect directly in its academic functions of teaching and research.

Continuous growth of change forces University to make great efforts to maintain its validity (Ayarza, 1998). Finally, take into account that the quality of teaching, is defined as achieving a professional or higher level technician training. However to be considered quality, teaching must satisfy the following requirements: 1. the teaching will be quality if it manages to meet the expectations of the graduate be it technical, professional, degree, graduate or postgraduate. Expectations are referred to intellectual development, higher status, social mobility and higher incomes. 2. The teaching will be quality if it manages to improve the work performance of graduates through the development of skills required by organizations and companies. 3.