10. August 2013 · Comments Off on Artmed Publishing · Categories: News · Tags:

The experience in society is essential for the transformation of the man of being biological in human being. It is for the learning in the relations with the others that we construct the knowledge for our intellectual development. In the colaborativa learning the construction of the knowledge if of the one in particular forms of interaction between the pupils, that is, in a classroom all are involved in the learning process. A alone pupil is not subject of learning, but all interact between itself of form to collaborate for the development of the learning. What it strengthens the use of the computer as tool of learning by means of the interaction and same contribution in pairs or bigger groups. ‘ ‘ The technology has potential to support diversified forms of social interaction, of communication and social interaction, communication and contribution in the tasks of knowledge construction where the members of the community of aprendizagem’ are compromised; ‘ I finish, (2000).

In the colaborativa perspective, the development of the child is paved in the interactions and, happens from the relations with the other that are constituent in the learning process, therefore the more it interacts with the other, more is developed mentally. In this direction, the adult assumes the role of privileged mediator in the formation of the knowledge. Of this form, the learning understanding implies necessarily in the understanding of the relation of the man with the nature and its fellow creatures. is through this relation that the man transforms itself exactly and the proper nature with its work, producing knowledge, constructing the society and making its proper history. Then, we can say that we are permanently learning, either in the street, house, the school, with our pupils, at last in all the situations of the life. In this direction, it is necessary in the pertaining to school education, to use to advantage the natural trends of the pupil and to give free course so that it if becomes an independent apprentice. Perhaps this education is not still the ideal, but at least we will not fall in the deceit to think that the most important human effort, the education, if restricts only to the knowledge transmission. She is necessary to create conditions so that the pupil if relates systematically with the way in order to develop itself with autonomy, criticidade and being subject of its proper learning.

BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES I FINISH, C.N. ‘ ‘ New technologies, cognition culture: a study in the first cycle of education bsico’ ‘ (thesis of Doutoramento). Lisbon, 2000 I FINISH, C.N. ‘ ‘ An educative software that has supported a construction of knowledge in interaction (with pairs and professor). In Minuteses of 3 Symposium of Inquiry and Development of educative Software. vora: University of vora, 1998 PAPERT, S. the family in net. Lisbon, Clock d’ Water, Publishers, 1997 PAPERT, S. the machine of the children: rethink the school in the age of computer science. Saymour Papert; Sandra translation Coast. Porto Alegre, Artmed Publishing company, 2008 (ed. Renewed) TOFFLER. (s/d). Shock of the Future. Lisbon, Books of Brazil, 1970 TURKLE, S. As I the computers and the human spirit.

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