10. June 2012 · Comments Off on Cerebral Paralysis · Categories: News · Tags:

Story of a professional experience Currently, the questions of the sexuality of the deficient one gained space in the educational field, being the school a privileged place for the reflection and psicopedaggica intervention of this subject.Amongst some subjects that pupil and professors appear in the colloquy between, have the question of the Sexual Orientao, subject of this work. The curricular parameters of the Ministry of the Education discipline point it of Physical Education, in which the use of the body and the tematizao of the corporal culture are work objects, as the most adjusted to work the question of the Sexual Orientation, therefore they are professors of physical education who transmit in knowledge form the information on the body, the relations of sort and interactions with the sexuality of itself and the other. To work the knowledge on the body, as well as the development of practical corporal, makes possible the formation of auto-care and construction of interpersonal relations, in way that the referring questions the sexuality are integrated of pleasant form and insurance. It was during a lesson of physical education, exactly that a pupil with Cerebral Paralysis told its sexual experience to its professor, to follow one stretch of this deposition: ' ' I had my first sexual relation has one year and way. Place? It was in a brothel, my cousin took who me, was good, very good. Family? All know! Today you the difficult, therefore, I feel necessity to come back but I do not have who me leve.' ' The subject of the sexuality almost always appears in the lessons of Physical Education of the Lcia* teacher and its pupils of an institution of education of special education. Following the recommendations of the curricular parameters, the Lcia* teacher has worked this question in special e, mainly, with its pupils with Cerebral Paralysis. .

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