20. May 2020 · Comments Off on Czech Republic Schools · Categories: News · Tags:

Some schools have special classes. How to construct a system of secondary education in the Czech Republic? In Czech schools clearly divided into several types: – Elementary School (zakladni kola) – is the primary school, similar to an eight-year study in the cis. Next to choose where to go to complete their training. – School with a certain professional bias ( kola) – are Music and dance, art, etc. (Not to be confused with Richard Linklater!). – Gymnasium (gymnazium) – training starts from 6 th grade and continues until okonchaniya12-13-year education. Enroll in school can be after a 5-class (tests as a rule, are held in April) as being received after 9 th grade elementary school.

– There are still secondary schools (stedni kola) – is a professionally oriented 'spacer' between the university and finished 9 th classes. Analogue of a college or technical school in the cis countries. They too, is a professional orientation, slope (computer, management, etc.). Thus, courses in high schools are divided into four-and eight-year. Grammar schools are more serious level of teaching subjects. High school graduates are more prepared to enter the institution than their counterparts who have graduated from specialized schools. In high schools better prepared to enter, they study more general subjects than in schools.

How to choose a school in the Czech Republic? As always, help the ubiquitous Internet. You go in search engine type into the search word: zakladni kola or gymnazium (depending on what you're looking for – primary school or high school). Then push up tab – Firmy and then search, and you will see all the organizations in the Czech Republic with such terms.

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