25. September 2014 · Comments Off on Education · Categories: News · Tags: ,

We would all like to succeed in life. However, not all succeed. While some people seem to get one success after another, others barely manage to come forward. They have ideas, but they never run them. Goals are fixed, but they never achieve them.

They have dreams, but never reach them and at some point in their lives succumb to the idea that probably do not have the conditions that are required to be successful as some other people. Others do not have many aspirations in life and comply with what they have. They simply don’t perceive the need nor the ability to overcome and achieve more in life. And never fail those who believe that success has a significant ingredient of luck and that simply did not touch them. What then is the secret to success? Everyone can be successful or is a destination reserved only for a few? What difference is there between a successful person and others? First, success is not an accident nor is a matter of luck. When we see a successful person many times We do not know their struggles, their failures and hard work that brought her to the place in which all admire and applaud you. Instead of feeding romantic notions about their successes, we should always bear in mind that that person certainly lived moments in which prevailed the blood, sweat and tears on any compensation either monetary or otherwise.

The parable of the talents in the parable of the talents (Matthew 25: 14-30) tells the story of a Lord (God) that distributes talents to his servants (men) and then goes away. After many years he returns to evaluate the performance of his servants. The interesting thing is that not distributes the same amount of talent to all the servants. One receives 5, another receives 2 and another receives only a talent, according to their abilities.

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