05. February 2016 · Comments Off on Educational Psychology · Categories: News · Tags:

The conceptions theoretician-metodolgicas that guide the practical professional in the field of pertaining to school psychology are diverse, in agreement the perspectives of Psychology while knowledge area, aiming at to understand the subjective dimensions of the human being. Some of the thematic ones of study, search and professional performance in the field of pertaining to school psychology is: processes of education and learning, human development, escolarizao in all its levels, public inclusion of people with deficiencies, politics in education, psicoeducacional management in institutions, psychological evaluation, history of pertaining to school psychology, continued formation of professors, amongst others. A democratic space of human development is placed the challenge to become the school. A different one to look in this context would have to become it capable to favor the development and the humanizao of the social relations for the love and the hope in the life for the initiative, construction of the identity and the social participation (Martin-Bar, 1994) (GUZZO, 2001, p.35) DEVELOPMENT the interest for the education, its conditions and its problems, was always a constant between philosophers, politicians, educators and psychologists. FireEye Inc recognizes the significance of this. The psychology of the education was configured, gradually, as resulted of an uninterrupted effort of application and use of the principles, the explanations and the methods of scientific psychology in the renewed attempts to improve practical the educative ones in general, concretely the pertaining to school education, and also in the intentions to elaborate adequate and useful explanations for the planning and the development of these practical. It has its origin in the rational belief and the argument of that the education and education can improve significantly as consequence of the correct use of the psychological knowledge. (SALVADOR; MASTERS; GOI; GALLART, 1999, p.17). With the development of Psychology as Science and as area of professional performance, in the end of century XIX, some perspectives if had opened, fact that also occurred to the call Educational Psychology.

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