22. May 2015 · Comments Off on European Congress · Categories: News · Tags:

Recommendations, expert opinions and approaches to crisis prevention technical amok until was thought of the victims a few days ago who died in the rampage in Winnenden before three years to life. Security at schools and public buildings has become the dominant theme in all media since this terrible and many other events from the past and determines the interest of the public. Now the question is: what preventive measures need to take school and users, to reduce the risk factors of a run of amok and to strengthen the protective factors? The initiative safety in schools e.V. this question to the bottom and presents their pooled knowledge on the German prevention day 17 in Munich. We make safer schools!”as the motto of almost one and a half years existing initiative safety in schools. The non-profit association has been due to increased security risks in schools, bullying threats to amok runs and others Security risks, the task is made to support schools, other educational institutions and their managers in designing preventive, a safe environment, as well as in mitigating the consequences of these risks. Special focus is on the Exchange and transfer of knowledge between users, experts and cost carrier by schools. To raise awareness to promote the prevention of crisis situations, such as E.g.

amok runs in the public schools, the initiative safety in schools on the subject of technical crisis prevention is amok”with an information stand on the 17 German prevention day represent. The 17 DPT takes place on 16 and 17 April in Munich. The German prevention day is the largest European Congress in the area of crime prevention, as well as adjacent areas of prevention. This year’s focus is the topic sure live in city and country”be. Decision makers and consultants can stand the initiative about recommendations, expert opinions and To reduce the risk factors of a run of amok and to strengthen the protective factors inform approaches. The information stand of the initiative safety in schools located in the foyer of the ground floor stand number F079. Find here more information about the German prevention day 17

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