23. March 2013 · Comments Off on Good System · Categories: News · Tags:

Learning a language is important both for personal development as to take advantage of this very competitive society, either through a school or an Academy, a distance course via the internet, or self-learning way, the Studio system that applies, will be an essential part, that if it goes adrift, without a clear path (the order of topics)It is likely that progress more slowly than desired fence, with Studio System I am referring to outline which presents a course, to the order of the topics and lessons, and this is a part where the large number of language schools fail, since some base their system of study in classical models of teaching little effective as e.g. teaching grammar from the beginning when the student barely knows pronounsThis being an unnatural way to learn language. So which would be a system of effective study? Personally I think that a system of effective study is one that is based on the natural learning of our first language, I mean children as ourselves to learn in the following order:-first basic words (with regular pronunciation) – more basic words – a little grammar – improve and Polish pronunciation – more words and phrases something more complex as time the first step and the most important thing that we take to learn our language are the basic words, how many more children learn more quickly improve in other steps.(something that help especially at this stage, are children’s stories in English). As time, to learn English, I recommend choosing a system that begins with the teaching of the words most commonly used in English, in this way the other steps that are grammar and pronunciation (along with hearing or listening) easier to original author and source of the article will become relatively.

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