05. July 2020 · Comments Off on Optimum · Categories: News · Tags:

For diverse times we hear: ' ' It made right? It makes the same of jeito' '. However, in reality, this only applies those people who if had accomodated staff and professionally. To become ' ' same coisa' ' any one makes. To become ' ' diferente' ' , there yes, it requires knowledge, ability and a great dose of ousadia. The knowledge and the ability, (ability in the direction to be ' ' autorizado' ' to make) it is acquired in pertaining to school banks, diverse courses, MBA? s, mestrados and doutorados. But, the ousadia has that to come of inside. It has that to have courage for, exactly earning, to make different. Exactly earning, to dare.

I know people who, although the knowledge and of the ability, had always been extremely shy in its professional careers. They saw different possibilities in the diverse operacionalizaes of the companies who worked but, hindered them to the fear, even though, to place these ideas in the paper and to take them it the immediate superior for analysis. Exactly those that, time or another one, placed in the paper, did not make it with professionalism clarity that would be demanded for an analysis more insurance, that is, did not know ' ' to vender peixe' ' to the superiors. This occurring one, to two or three made them times to give up, and came back to cmoda position to make ' ' necessrio' ' , forgetting that ' ' to make necessrio' ' any one makes. To make beyond the necessary one, best the o only makes. But as ' ' to make diferente' '? It looks at to its return and it repairs in how many things they can be made in diverse ways. How many chair models you see? of television? of computer, automobiles, plans of health and millions of things more.

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