17. June 2020 · Comments Off on Physiology · Categories: News · Tags:

The work on ischemic and hemorrhagic BIRD is of exploratria nature having as qualitative method of boarding, a time that this better allows understanding concerning the complexity of the boarded subjects. They had been searched in the bibliographical quantity of the College San Francisco de Barreiras you vary boarded literatures of the subject that had contributed at great length for the scientific theoretical construction better aiming at agreement of the pathology through its clinical physiology, fisiopatologia, manifestations, diagnosis, treatment and prevention. The sites had been used in the development of the work. When objectifying, to understand and to explain the subject searched beyond the bibliographical references that as Lakatos and Marconi (2004) have as purpose to propocionar to the searching direct contact with that were written, said or firmed on determined subject …. Literatures will be used that approach of detailed and objective form the physiology fisiopatologia, diagnosis as well as the treatment and prevention of the BIRD, ischemic and hemorrhagic. Learn more on the subject from Richard Linklater.

3. 3,1 REFERNCIAL PHYSIOLOGY OF the AGENCY encfalo are protected by the cranianos bones and coated by meninges that they are continuous with meninges medulares that has the same basic structure, and receives the same names: it lasts-mter external; arachnoid average; the internal sink-mter. It represents 2% of the all up weight of the body of an adult, but it consumes about 20% of the oxygen and the glucose, used in the rest conditions. The neurons synthecize ATP of glucose almost exclusively, for reactions that use oxygen. When the activity of the neurons and the neuroglia increases in a region, the sanguineous flow for one the two minutes, compromises the neuronal functioning and the privation of oxygen for about four minutes cause permanent injury. Since no glucose is stored, suppliment must be continuous (TORTOTA; GRABOWSKI, 2002). The hematoenceflica barrier (BHE), protects the enceflicas cells of harmful substances and patgenos hindering the substance ticket carried by the blood to the fabric enceflico.

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