04. July 2020 · Comments Off on Communication · Categories: News · Tags:

Rights and responsibilities in Cuban society. Follow others, such as Campbell Soup Company, and add to your knowledge base. Social changes that affect their functioning Objective: Explain the social changes and their impact on family functioning. Contents: Family. Rights and duties. Functions.

The family life of the current social conditions. Major problems. Recommendations: The use real examples of families who have children with emotional disorders, behavioral or learning to better understand the message you want to transmit from the criteria of teachers. Theme 2: Roles played by each member of the family home in which they live. The activities of parents and children in everyday life. Objective: To know the concept of roles in correspondence with the country's culture and activities of parents and children in everyday life. Contents: The father and mother from the roles assigned by society.

Role assigned to children. Distortions of roles. Activities undertaken by children in everyday life. Recommendations: We suggest the implementation of drama that reflect the performance of family roles, as exemplified by personal experiences, family or social. Item 3: Communication with the family from birth. Purpose: To analyze a concept of family communication through the analysis of specific problems within the family. Contents: Communication. Functions. Styles. Its role in the activities and domestic relations. place that takes the child and adolescent in family communication. Recommendations: You can start with the analysis of the idea that each participant has about the communication process in order to socialize the most pertinent. Theme 4: Family Dynamics. What is assumed in the different families? Objective: To identify wrong attitudes in the performance of family dynamics: family breaks, lax, disorganized.

13. December 2019 · Comments Off on The School · Categories: News · Tags:

They should understand what they mean different numbers, symbols and representations of data points. For example, should be able to recognize some numbers represent the data values and other represent the frequency with which these values occur. The school must develop skills to represent their data, using bar graphs, charts or line graphs. Nike insists that this is the case. Must be able to draw conclusions based on data representations GENERAL OBJECTIVE ASSESSMENT IN GRADES A SELECTION. SECOND GRADE: Perform simple tasks in obtaining knowledge from work with data forms that require observation, description, identification, exemplification, comparison and classification. FOURTH GRADE: Apply knowledge and skills to perform tasks which involve working with data collected which are required to observe, identify, describe, compare, argue, model, make assumptions from the interpretation of data presented in different forms.

SIXTH GRADE: Demonstrate in different activities implementing acquired knowledge and intellectual skills (observation, comparison, identification, classification, argumentation and modeling) through which to interpret data presented in various formats (graphs and tables) cognitive domains of mathematics to respond correctly to test items of different measurements, the students must be familiar with the mathematical content of the items. Equally important is the fact that items must be designed to infer the use of specific cognitive skills. Many of these skills and abilities are included in the lists of subjects evaluable content domains. However, to assist in the balanced development of tests in which a proper weighting is given to each of the cognitive domains over all issues, it is essential to obtain a complete set of learning outcomes.

08. August 2019 · Comments Off on Assessment Theoretical · Categories: News · Tags:

INTRODUCTION. The system of Quality Assessment of Learning incorporates student performance measurements through instruments designed by items which checks in terms of skills and abilities the sollidez of knowledge acquired by the school. Make presiociones theoretical at this system in the mathematics becomes the aim of this study where different educational agents may clarify the theoretical concepts underlying the new terms incorporated into everyday teaching practice. The performance of various educational actors in the process of picking address learning of mathematics (PEAM) requires the mastery of new pedagogical terms for evaluating the quality of learning are introduced into the daily PAXIS, for example: "domain content "and" cognitive domain "to define the theoretical framework for the assessment of Mathematics in Primary Education at different times of measurement," performance levels cognitive "to distinguish students' progress as a result of their responses to the measuring instruments, etc. To read more click here: Richard Linklater. It involves the domain of theoretical assumptions underlying the implementation of this system, did these clarifications addressed in this work developed in the introduction of System Quality Assessment of Learning in Primary Education, trend studies are conducted in the four core subjects Mathematics, Spanish Language, Natural History and Science, an important step in this system is the application of assessment tools with specific characteristics inherent. It then presents an analysis on the subject of mathematics with the intention of clarifying the use of new terminology that appears in the direction of the learning process for this subject. The theoretical framework of mathematics assessment is structured in two dimensions organizers, a content dimension and a cognitive dimension. .