14. September 2021 · Comments Off on CV Expose Lies In Employment · Categories: News · Tags: ,

Objective: To evaluate the new management contract polygraph His heart sank when he saw his boss from his current company walk into the interview room with your new potential employer. Hear other arguments on the topic with ione skye. In an instant, knew all the exaggerations on his resume. All the excitement of a new and better-paid position vanished. That meeting ended quickly with an exchange of courtesies and a rejection rate. The interviewer went to his office frustrated by the amount of time and effort invested in this candidate. She had been very excited about his strong resume and test results and happier still that the exhausting search process was almost over. At the same time, was glad to know now about their weaknesses.

No doubt your company would have cost much more time, money and frustration if she had hired. 70% of CV can not be trusted Research shows that 70% of resumes on his desk right now contain lies and exaggerations. And not just for the sale or use of middle management. An executive search firm reported that after reviewing thousands of pages of three lies were the number of years in a position, personal achievements, and the size of organizations have achieved. Look at the people who have already hired your staff. I'm not suggesting distrust them, but that same 70% applies to resumes that looked last year also. No wonder that the 80/20 rule is in effect on your business and your team. Despite all the evidence, analysis, interviews, screening, background checks and gut feel, you still want someone more effective in 80% of the positions of your company.

18. May 2021 · Comments Off on Which Is The Key To Feel In Peace · Categories: News · Tags: , , , , ,

Today I want to give you a text that is located at the end of my reflection, which deals with peace. UNC School of Education is the source for more interesting facts. Read it invited me to reflect on this feeling that we both crave and need in our lives. When are we feel at peace? We believe that we can feel peace when we can accept the facticity of life, i.e., those things that we cannot change. We feel at peace, when we no longer fight; Instead, we stopped the March, reflect, take awareness of the situation and leave you fighting against those things in life that we know will not change, over which we have to be able to. An example of actuality? Difficult and negative experiences we have had to go through in the past. What then is the key to feel peace? The key lies in acceptance. If we are opposed or we resist that which we cannot change, which becomes resentment is what we do from resentment? We are looking for culprits; These culprits can be a person or a group of persons, a situation and even life itself.

We lose time and energies judging we can do nothing to make the changes. In opposite way, when we accept, we feel at peace with our possibilities and we went to look for them, without getting us caught up in what you have no control. In the example of the actuality of our negative past, if we position ourselves from acceptance, we can relate with this story that we live by accepting it, while recognizing that we have liked it otherwise. If we accept, we release negative energies, we charge our batteries of motivation and we can create possibilities that do not yet exist. OK doesn’t mean you would like us to what happened in the past or that we agree with this. Accept means to us, take responsibility for something that has already happened and it was that way.