23. September 2020 · Comments Off on Brief Components · Categories: News · Tags: , , , , ,

4. Short components on client Y Las Ventas. If you really want to succeed in business and in obtaining the expected success, pays close attention to one of the most important components: the client. It can become so essential that simply without the, businesses do not walk. The client is the essential link that reinvests dividends and our efforts. Without this engine propulsion, it is absolutely impossible to achieve positive results.

Know thank the customer satisfied unfortunately not always acting correctly with that person, group or entity that needs our services. There are many so-called sellers who have a false concept that we are doing a favor to the customer and having to make do with what they offer or say. Great reality is otherwise, this makes us the favor by accepting us, by purchasing and trust us. It is essential to know thank and bear in mind at all times that is someone special whom we have before us and make you feel that way. The importance of providing effectiveness in dealing with others there are two fundamental ways treat him bad and one is per se bad shape and lack of ethics that sometimes we use to direct us to that enshrined or future customer and there is another denoting not apparently poor education or attitude towards, but in effect, it is treat it disparagingly also and is being indifferent or do not pay adequate attention to. I guess that will have happened to many of you in any chance, you are directed to a dependent, dispenser or anyone from whom we collect their services and we are trying to cold or indifferent way. Respect us no shortage, us not cried, but he did not need to do so, the unpleasant gesture said everything. The gesture was more eloquent than words. Honestly is to feel humiliated.Many are not located that they may be on the other side of the counter at any time, as a customer and we can pay with the same currency.