15. November 2020 · Comments Off on Czech Republic · Categories: News · Tags:

Good for those who have a chance to live and work in a supportive atmosphere. Indeed, excellent psychological situation together with the perfect atmosphere in the room creates an ideal environment for full human life. However, if the above formation of the necessary psychological atmosphere has a lot of work, then to create the right climate – not at all. Now – over this process work high-quality fans remak … In fact, like ventilation equipment – this is one of the highest quality settings – with a guaranteed period of work and produced the best European specialists.

Company Remak is fairly young, but at the same time – extremely functional. The company has already gained an enduring reputation as the heart and the large number of fans of their own products. List of products manufactured by the company includes not only the fans remak, but also many other products, for example, various heaters, coolers, mixers, in short, everything that is able to provide potential clients a better ventilation of the world. Remak – manufacturer of the Czech Republic – in the manufacturing process uses only modern equipment and latest technology. No wonder, since the first day of its existence (that is, with the 1993rd year), the company is continuously aspired to the highest level of production, the most perfect results and very high-quality customer service. Installation remak – this is the result of serious production. They are designed to the most demanding customer. In fact, it is the ventilation equipment to meet any state requirements of a potential customer.

Currently remak – ventilation should be perfect – allows you to create the best climate in absolutely any room. In this installation of equipment is high-level professionals – in the shortest possible time and with a guaranteed period operation of the facility remak. It must be remembered that the basis for development and development company – progress, innovation and comprehensiveness. That these figures remak – ventilation in this case is perfect – better than others describes the enterprise as a whole and help to increase the number of its customers.

09. December 2019 · Comments Off on Dedicate · Categories: News · Tags: , , , , ,

This can be a fantastic question to start a conversation, do a bit of Networking and tell everyone about what you do. Or, conversely, can be converted into a real trap for those who have not done your homework and are unable to clearly explain what they do. Well, I, ehmm, I am tax adviser with 15 years of experience. I have an Office in the Center where five employees work and my reputation is one of the best in the sector. I’m sorry but this kind of reply is not interested to almost anyone. Thus, precisely, we must not introduce ourselves. It is curious that we invest a lot of hours and effort to launch and develop our business and, however, not spend virtually no time to write one of the most important elements of our corporate image: our presentation. The answer we give to this question is more important than it may seem at first sight.

In my opinion, a good reply achieves two key objectives: a.-transmits security to your interlocutor. When we are able to articulate a message clearly and without hesitation, our image get reinforced. Replies that are not specific, giving turns to concepts without concrete or lengthen in time without reaching any site can be our worst enemy. Why was he going to buy your products or services if I am not able to understand what you do really? (b) it confirms that you’ve done your job correctly. If you can not communicate your message in a way that you understand quickly, it is likely that you yourself have doubts (although don’t be aware) and have yet to work more in the definition of your business. I recommend that you do the following test: write what you do (no more than three or four lines), choose a few people who do not know what you do and tell them what you’ve written previously.

03. August 2014 · Comments Off on Combinatorial Compression · Categories: News · Tags:

THE STIMULATION and development of COMBINATORIAL thinking: exercises in THE STIMULATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE THOUGHT COMBINATORY elementary school: Exercise in the primary school authors: MsC. Luis Manuel Leyva Leyva Prof. Dr auxiliary. Yolanda Proenza Garrido Prof. holder Lic. Raul Romero Rodriguez Lic. Roberto Cruz Batista E-mail: introduction the true realization of a scientific teaching is closely linked to training in children and girls already from the first grades of the foundations of theoretical thinking, which is at the foundation of the creative attitude of man towards reality (Davidov V. 1987 p.

143-154). The formation of a logical thinking from the earliest years of schooling is objective in all the subjects of the curriculum in different educational systems. The school, already from an early age coexist three types of thoughts, concrete; that is what remains to the level of significantly externally, which operates with the use of the object or phenomenon and the logical functional conceptual that operate with concepts starts to regulate the processes of memory and imagination, as a consequence of a higher form of cognitive activity that starts in school (rational knowledge). Appear in the scientific literature expressions such as: concrete thinking, abstract thinking, mathematical thinking, logical thinking, thinking probabilistic, variational thinking, divergent thinking, combinatorial thinking, etc. In general they are considered expressions that are generated by the way in which manifests the thinking of an individual before the solution to problems (in its more general conception) on school learning or daily life.