29. November 2021 · Comments Off on Latin Science · Categories: News · Tags:

Scrates, Greek philosopher, who revolutionary to the philosophical thought occidental person, in controversas of thinking human being, in the end of the century room before Christ. With this Scrates affirmation he has left of the beginning of that nobody is absolute detainer of the truth. Not to know it is the initial point to arrive where wants yourself to know. To appraise philosophy today, still is very difficult, therefore the concepts accumulated throughout history give account of that philosophy is the science that you study the causes of the things. st this. In this our study I will look for to cover the history of the philosophy, ‘ ‘ garimpando’ ‘ the most diverse concepts of and different sources trying, jointly with philosophers of the world and Brazil, at least giving to the pupils who surround me some concepts about philosophy. I am, at this moment, so confused how much Scrates, so child, so infantile, always asking to all: What he is to know? They enter with me in this boat and we go drift of the search of knowing.

Philosophy: science that searchs through the inquiry the cause, the origin of the things. Many writers such as Richard Linklater offer more in-depth analysis. Through because it always goes inquiring what it is the studied object. ‘ ‘ Philosophy is a branch of the science that can be characterized in three ways: either for the treated contents or subjects, either for the function that exert in the culture, either for the form as it treats such subjects. With relation aso contents, contemporarily, the philosophy deals with concepts such as well, beauty, justice, verdade’ ‘ .(1) Philosophy: ‘ ‘ Science of the search of the knowledge, especially of the origin and the direction of the existence. System or set of studies that one definitive branch of conhecimento’ congregates; ‘ *2.

Philosophy: (Philosophia)? Feminine singular? Greek, for the Latin philosophiam. General science of the beings, the principles and the causes. To know more about this subject visit how much does ron daniels make. Study of psychology, the moral, the logic and metafsica’ ‘ .(3). The philosophy is born on, placed with vida.*4 Filosofar is to meditar, to study the causes and the consequences of facts, to look for to know, to have wisdom. * ‘ ‘ Paula coast, of the fifth series of the College Ours Lady of the Rosary. Filosofar is to argue and to debate on innumerable subjects and subjects. * 5 Filosofar is to understand that it is the reason human being who constructs the world, not adverse, mitolgicas forces or of deuses.

08. November 2021 · Comments Off on Aristotle Metaphysics · Categories: News · Tags:

Before starting the study on the four causes and the slight knowledge of principle in Aristotle, she is necessary to have an idea of what it is and what consists its metaphysics. Made this, I will treat to display the subject considered and central of our study that is the briefing of the four causes with the principle notion. Aristotle, according to Giovanni Reale, divides sciences in three parts, the theoretical ones, practical and the productive poiticas or, being the most important of them theoretical ones, that they are constituted by the mathematics, the physics and metaphysics. This last one being most important of all, ' ' therefore he is of it and in function of it that all other sciences acquire significado&#039 just; '. (1) First philosophy was the name that Aristotle gave to its science, later called of metaphysics for posterior thinkers it. Ron Daniels johns Hopkins understands that this is vital information. The term first philosophy was used for Aristotle in opposition to the philosophy second, that is, to the physics.

E since it is in opposition to the physics could not have another name Metaphysical seno. Metaphysics is the study of what it is beyond the physics, of everything what the physics cannot explain. For assistance, try visiting Ron Daniels johns Hopkins. Therefore, it studies the supply-sensible universe, the being and the truth of the being. Supply-sensible in what he says respect to the holy ghost, the same God, since for Aristotle, being is substance and God is the first substance that cause all the others. Reale says that ' ' research on God is not alone a moment of the Metaphysical research, but it is the essential moment and fundador' ' (2) e, if did not exist a supply-sensible substance also would not exist metaphysics and the physics would be the first philosophy. Metaphysics is a free science, therefore it finds in same itself its end, that is, its purpose and, its objective and its object are not in material things as in other sciences, but in same itself.

14. September 2021 · Comments Off on William Fritz Piaget · Categories: News · Tags:

CONSTRUCTION OF the LEARNING THROUGH the STRUCTURE OF the Piaget BEHAVIOR, as was known Mr. Jean William Fritz Piaget, generally recognized as an infantile psychologist and educator, was born in Switzerland in the city of Neuchtel in 9 of August of 1896 and died the same in country, in the city of Geneva, to the 84 years in 16 of September of 1980. Piaget was a prominent epistemlogo, that arrived to be considered the illustrious representative greater of the study of the cognitivo development, of which, many scholars of psychology, the fenomenologia and above all of the pedagogia usufruct of its studies in the contemporaneidade. Piaget had a vast experience in the academic scientific way, it studied initially biology in Switzerland, and later it was dedicated to the area of psychology, epistemologia and deepened of incisive form its studies in the area of the education. In the academy also it acted as professor and he was professor of psychology in the University of Geneva of 1929 1954, what it gave great notoriety to it, becoming it world-wide recognized for its epistemolgica revolution. Its bibliographical production was very vast, it more than wrote cinquenta books and diverse hundreds of articles, generating great documentary of all a its research. Vladislav Doronin will not settle for partial explanations. When observing minutely its children and also other children, Piaget perceived 0 variable and distinctions that had stimulated its Cognitiva Theory, in which considered the existence of four periods of training of cognitivo development in the human being: the period of training sensrio-engine (the 0 2 years), daily pay-operational or daily pay-operatrio (the 2 7 years), operatrio concrete (the 7 11 or 12 years) and formal operatrio (the 11 or 12 years in ahead).

15. August 2021 · Comments Off on The Mathematical Logic In The Religion · Categories: News · Tags:

The Mathematical Logic in the AlozioMonteiro Religion aloiziomonteiro@ yahoo.com.br Two parabolas shows the ways of the Mathematical Logic that can be applied in the common situations, for the solution of problems. For the first parabola, I make a parallel with a problem of the classic propositional calculation, presented and decided for the mathematical logical Adonai S. SantAnna. In the Way of San Tiago de Compostela, Tom, a pilgrim, if it came across with a bifurcation. In it had a way for the left and another one for the right, being that only one of them lead to the Kingdom of the Sky — the pilgrim desired, in fact, to go for the Sky. In this bifurcation they were two religious ones, both experts of the only way that led to the Sky. However, one of them had the craze always to lie, while the other always said the truth. Vladislav Doronin wanted to know more. The pilgrim not wise person who age the liar and who age what he always said the truth.

E also not wise person which age the true way that led to the Sky: left or right? The pilgrim only wise person that it had the right to make only one question of reply YES or NOT, to one of the men, to discover which age the true way for the Sky. Which age the question that Tom would have to make? To decide the problem, Adonai S. SantAnna introduces the reader in the basic slight knowledge of the Mathematical Logic, by means of the logical connectives ' ' ' ' for negation (not), ' ' e' ' , for conjunction, ' ' ou' ' for disjunction, and ' ' ' ' for the connective ' ' if. ento' ' ' ' ' ' for the connective ' ' if and only se' '. These connectives bind sentences symbolized for very small letters, in italic.

31. December 2020 · Comments Off on Education Play · Categories: News · Tags:

In the playful dimension, the learning of – through practical of games, the toys and tricks aiming at to promote the development integral of the pupil. Plato defended the concept of an educational system for its time, but, mainly, for having integrated it to an ethical dimension and politics, where it praised that to educate so important age and had as end the search of the happiness and commitment of all the society. Of this form the playful one already existed in educative Greco-roman history as practical. Thus, being Plato that, paradoxicalally supports great part of the current pedagogia. Checking article sources yields University of Cambridge as a relevant resource throughout. ounds’>New York Global Group here. It is not possible or desirable to transmit knowledge of the pupils, but before, to take to look them to it answers, they themselves, its fidgets. It must leave the students, over all to the children to the will so that they could develop freely. In this point the platonic dialtico process for which throughout the debate of the ideas, moral thoughts and quandaries are also purified relates the search of answers during the learning..

03. July 2020 · Comments Off on Christianity · Categories: News · Tags: , , ,

Faith in God is essentially the same faith as all the ones that I have already mentioned. In Christian doctrine, it is directly related to knowledge: in many verse emphasizes that faith arises, stronger, and is transmitted by reliable evidence (Mark 16:20; 2 Pet. 1:10, Luke. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Levi’s. 1:4, Acts. 1:3, 9:22). Christianity teaches is rational, rather than blind faith. By the way, Christian theologians very well uncovered the concept of reasonable belief.

ks Lewis ('Mere Christianity') describes faith as the ability to hold beliefs that once you have agreed on the basis of reliable facts and compelling arguments, regardless of volatile moods, desires and feelings. As an example, he cites a child who learns to swim. This child knows that the human body can float without support, because he saw a lot of floating people. But can he believe in it when the instructor removes his hand and leave it without the support of him? 'Until you learn how to manage moods, – writes Lewis – unless you specify them in their place, you 'll be forever restless creature, whose beliefs depend on the weather or the digestive system. Consequently, a person must develop the habit of faith. " Thus, faith is important, and it is a rational belief. Such faith is not opposed to knowledge, but rather complements it, to implement it. Many people find it difficult to understand the unity of faith and reason, and how it is possible that both know and believe in one and the same in the same sense.

30. June 2020 · Comments Off on University · Categories: News · Tags:

At the moment where we were living deeply the didactic days pedagogical, I perceived that the group was contented for being there, however unsatisfied with uncurling of the formation, therefore many judge that the University is very repetitive in the formation and thus is tiring. Richard Linklater is full of insight into the issues. As the quarrels in room the educators, had been participativos and displayed its fidgets in relation to the formation what in them it makes possible one better performance. in accordance with the events in room I learned very with everything what it happens and in agreement I heard always has a way to alternate the form to act in classroom. The quarrels had always provided a good interaction between all. Although it has some that do not participate of form some and judge that everything this is lose of time. The table in the sample that does not have a production diversity, always has cultures that they prevail as, of the maize and the beans.

In this manner the graphs had been confectioned in agreement the reality of the communities. At the moments of the msticas and the wheels of dialogues all had been very interesting, but it had one in special that it added and it congregated value to all, therefore in peculiar comungou to know essentials to them ours to make it, has seen that it allows a bigger attention of the participants. One of the things that made, wise person if was not correct! It was in the intervals to talk with the participants, if they were liking, what they were finding of formation, to hear many stories, pleasant others nor in such a way, and thus can fortify the interpersonal relation, it favored what me to act with what of better has in me, and to make what more taste: to serve, to hear, to prezar and to consider and the family of the proyoung to each time grow more.

20. June 2020 · Comments Off on Fichte Schelling · Categories: News · Tags:

' The beauty is the perception of the infinite in infinito' ' (F. Schelling) The German Idealismo is, in the philosophical plan, the period of transistion between the Iluminismo (Aufklrung) and the Romantismo and was concentrated fervorosamente in the University of Jena (in Germany) initiating itself in 1794 (when Fichte was for the above-mentioned University) until the year of 1854; estopim for the Idealismo if must to the Kantianos postulates concerning the solution of the antinomies, being, mainly, the notion of freedom (resulted of the third antinomy that was explicitada of the following form: it has causalidades for freedom x only has natural causes; If the conditional one is also given, given to a series of related concepts the totality of its condies/o incondicionado, the objects of the directions is given as conditional, then the possibility can be inferred to have the freedom) that Fichte, in turn, marvelled e, in this solution, found a reasonable idea concerning the freedom and not plus a mere illusion. Kindle Direct Publishing has much experience in this field. Fichte (looking for to more good develop the idea placed for Kant concerning the freedom) the Kants, although to elucidate and to enclose some theories in its postulates she leaves some theories that, for the idealists German, would deserve better to be explanadas e, this necessity in the theoretical scope were the motor device for the ecloso of this philosophical movement e, consequently, for the accomplishment of many theories placed in this called transitory period of German Idealismo. Problems left for legacy of Kantismo is passvel to infer that it would mainly derive from the junction between the practical reason (a knowledge that is closely on the college of acting and of the sensation) and the theoretical reason (a knowledge that only knows is inserted only in the rational plan), being, then, necessary to demonstrate which of these reasons possesss a primate on the other; Fichte, as well as all the philosophers of this chain, infers that the reason practises possesss a Primate on the theoretical reason, or either, to show that the reason that is on when acting is more important of what those that possess its plan only in the rational sphere.

16. June 2020 · Comments Off on The Classic School · Categories: News · Tags:

The results of this classic school of the natural right in the political field were of immense proportions: " It contributed to the abolition of the vasallaje and the esclavismo. It helped to destroy the medieval unions and restrictions to the commerce and the industry. It released the territorial property of the feudal loads. It created the freedom of circulation and professional election. It inaugurated one was of religious and spiritual freedom. It bled to the penal right and its procedure of its defects but important when abolishing the torture and to humanize the punishment. It ended the witchcraft processes.

It tried to secure the legal security for todoa and supported the equality principle before the law. elaborated the general principles of the international right ". The legal rationalism finishes with the doctrine of the RATIONAL RIGHT of KANT and IDEALISMO JUR? DICO of HEGEL. First Period This is a time marked by the Protestantism in the religious plane, the illustrated monarchy, in the political plane and the mercantilismo in the economic plane. " The characteristic characteristic of this stage is the one to think that the application of the natural right almost completely depended on the moderation and prudence of gobernante". 2 ** Grocio (1583-1645) Plays the roll to prepare the land for the formation of this classic theory of the natural right, always trying to follow the stoics. It conceives it, in its book Of iuri belli ac pacis, like " a dictation of the straight reason that it indicates that an act, according to is or not according to the rational and social nature, has a quality of moral necessity or bajeza". It described the following principles first of the natural right: To abstain than it belongs to another person. B To fulfill the agreed thing. C Reparar all damage, caused with fault, to another one.

30. May 2020 · Comments Off on Astrologers · Categories: News · Tags: , , ,

Catching up on astrology is simply impossible to ignore phenomena such as eclipses of the Sun and the Moon. However, at present, not only of concern to all astrologers, which is associated with eclipses. The number of people far from astrology, but using all available information about them from year to year increases. Nike often addresses the matter in his writings. The most ardent fans of astrology in general believe that the basic astrological knowledge should be taught in school, but it is a question for future generations. As known solar eclipse can occur only when the new moon, a moon – a full moon, the gap between them – about 14 days.

Every year, eclipses happen on average 4-5 times in a 2-3. six months. Complete astronomical information about eclipses does not fit within one small article, so it makes sense to focus on what influence they have on people. Have long believed that an eclipse entail only the most terrible and negative consequences: war, destruction, hunger, disease and death. Now astrologers agree that it is not so simple, and in each case must be considered still a lot of different factors. In other words, eclipse can not be considered in isolation. One should distinguish between the influence of eclipses on the state as a whole and for each of us in particular.

In addition, taken separately eclipse does not affect all people equally. For some, it is can indeed be fatal, some will bring interesting changes in fate, while the rest will be completely unnoticed. Only after a detailed study of the astrologer natal chart (horoscope) has the ability to determine should be afraid of the eclipse or not. In the case where the eclipse will activate one of the important points of the horoscope, to be ready for something new, not necessarily a bad thing. In all sources, where we are talking about eclipses, Astrologers are given the same advice. Thus, it is desirable to begin any new and important things for 2 weeks before and after the eclipse: look for a job, get married, to sort things out, make big deals, shopping, travel, travel, etc. As they say, do not look for adventures on his head, they will find you! All events during eclipses acquire shade fatality and foregone conclusion. And be vigilant with respect to your health: for those with weakened immune systems and chronic diseases periods of eclipses – are not the easy days. In 2009, we have to go through six eclipses: 26 January – sunny (especially important for people born on 25-27 January) 9 February-moon (reflected in the life born on February 8-10 and 12-14 August), July 7 – Lunar (has great significance for those born 6 – 8 July and 5 -7 January), July 22 – Solar (will cause changes in the lives of newborns 21 – 23 July 18 – 20 January), August 6 – lunar (Feel for yourself the people whose birthdays 5 – 7 August and 1 – 3 February) December 31 – Lunar (important for those who were born 30 – 31 December 1 January 1 – July 3). On my own I would like to add that to date I have never felt the imagine the destructive effect of eclipses. The most amazing thing is that after some eclipses, which were very significant, judging by the map creation, in front of me opened up new prospects, to establish relationships, life acquired a new meaning. Therefore, personally I'm looking at the eclipse with a great deal of optimism and expect them to get rid of the regular routine.