07. September 2020 · Comments Off on The Psychology Of Moving · Categories: News · Tags: ,

Removals both for adults and children for children, a move involves new things, progress, a country, or a new unknown city. It can be a process associated with a painful situation, for example a separation or a reduction in space by economic problems, etc. Anyone that is the case, the move implies farewells. We leave things behind, times ugly and cute both for adults and for children, a House with own smell, with corners to play, etc. That is why it is very important to discuss the subject with children so that this does not take them by surprise and they can prepare well as saying goodbye to, either your room, your friends, etc.

Moving home involves a change and changes often destabilize; in fact, sometimes we have to act very fast because they surprise us and we have no other. However, it is best think about it carefully and organize themselves. When we moved we have the opportunity to learn new things, spaces and people. We have the opportunity to grow and to favour this there is that We prepare. Tell children why and when moving begins by explaining what is a moving and how it is done, as well as whether there will be changes with respect to the persons with which will live. If you divorciaste explain to you if you are going to live with you or your former partner and do not forget to tell you if the person who cares for them will change. Show you what will be the new home. You can use photos or making a drawing of how it is.

If the move is to another country or to a place far away from the residence, tell them will be like that place, things will be the same and what things are not. Explain where it will be its fourth and if going to share or not with someone. If you move to a larger House and children no longer have company for sleeping, said them. In the case of the change of school, it would be good children is fired from his companions and to make a preliminary visit to learn about the new school. They will also need to bid farewell to his friends in the neighborhood or club. Tell you what activities usual will no longer do. You should not make changes in furniture or toys for young children, since they may feel disoriented. Better make gradual changes. Enough time to adapt to a change at the same time. Try to keep routines, this will help children feel more secure. Older children can participate the day of the move. Arriving at the new home get a tour and show them where things are. Sometimes children may have some demonstrations in reaction to the change (fever, tantrums, problems) at school. This is normal because it is his way of processing the new situation, although if persist these manifestations take them to a child psychologist evaluate what happens.