23. August 2020 · Comments Off on Temperaments · Categories: News · Tags: , ,

They are proud of themselves when they do something correctly and completely in control, so when foreign witnesses are inclined to actively resist and by all means to defend its position. Third temperament – reactive. Reactive children are sociable and friendly. They develop a sense of self "on the basis of their relationship with the people and the reactions to the outside world. They tend to see, hear, feel and experience all it has to offer life.

These children have broader interests, because it more than others, requiring external stimulation. Every new experience enriches their existence. New impressions breathe more life into them. These kids love the change, but resist the need for something to focus on. They often roll their scandals in response to a request to perform some routine actions, such as coat. They require a huge amount of freedom for their own affairs.

They often throw things at Halfway simply from a desire to take up something new. If you give a child the freedom to explore, change and be yourself, then over time he learns to focus on their problems, delve deeper into the problems and finish begun. Children with a reactive temperament, like a butterfly, naturally flit from one activity to another. They require a lot of time to explore, to experience and discover the world. They are very easy distracted, and therefore they need to be constantly directed to one or another activity. Such a child forgets to specify the adults, not because that resists your will or wants to annoy.

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