14. January 2021 · Comments Off on The Russian Market Of Lightning · Categories: News · Tags:

How it is lamentable that our country in many technological areas is lagging behind the west. One of these trends is the use of devices, surge protection, lightning protection (lightning) in various industries – from strategic defense objects to the “soft” medical equipment. The use of modern electrical and electronic equipment and integrated circuits based on Semiconductor is making a big contribution to the development of social infrastructure and contributes to the rapid development and diffusion of new technologies. On a range of electrical equipment entrusted important functions, implying the need to ensure uninterrupted power supply and excluding the possibility of downtime. Natural phenomena such as lightning and thunder, as well as interruptions in power supply are the cause of shutdown supply and lead to failure of sensitive electrical equipment connected to the network.

Cause equipment failure can be as isolated events that lead to momentary failure, and a set of events, which by themselves are not critical, but, ultimately, lead to deterioration and damage to equipment. To protect equipment and users, at the entrance to the active supply of equipment necessary to provide special protective devices. These devices divert surges in power lines from the sensitive electrical equipment on the ground. To solve this problem has developed many technologies. Nowadays in Russia basically, the following applies: Spark gaps Parallel Connection of varistors, combination of varistors and surge arresters. However, none of them is not optimal. Consider the problems that facing traditional technologies lightning (lightning): – Spark gaps.. Cyrus Massoumis opinions are not widely known.

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