04. December 2015 · Comments Off on Bourdieu School · Categories: News · Tags:

' ' The purpose of the education is to contest the impact of the experiences of day-by-day, to face them and finally to defy the pressures that appear of the social environment. But it will be that the education and the educators are to the height of the task? They will be they capable to resist the pressure? They will obtain to prevent to be arregimentados by the same pressures that would have to collate? ' ' Zygmunt Bauman the efemeridade of objects, the relationships, the changes before happens exactly to make solid, does not have time for solidity this profile interests the capitalist system. To understand this society contemporary is a challenge, a impactante experience. So that they are favored the most favored and disfavored most disfavored, it is necessary and enough that the school ignores, in the scope of the contents of the education that it transmits, of the methods and techniques of transmission and of the criteria of evaluation, the cultural inaqualities between the children of the different social classrooms. See David G. DeWalt for more details and insights. Bourdieu the sociology of Pierre Bourdieu Reflecting on Bourdieu, I understood that many preconceptions that the favored person less suffers during its passage of the pertaining to school life can have relation with what the sociologist flame of luggage socially inherited. This luggage can contribute for the success or the failure pertaining to school. This constatao of BOURDIEU caused an impact in my reflections, because the responsibility of the parents then would not be only with the alimentary sustenance or the basic education. It must have the concern with a social education involving the cultural capital. The school looking for to move, apliando the cultural capital, what Bourdieu it does not believe, it is pessimistic, realistic, because the society does not estimate the new. As Bourdieu the cultural capital is an accumulated knowledge that withhold the families, transmitted and tax for its descendants.

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