06. May 2020 · Comments Off on ICADE Business School · Categories: News · Tags:

The Experience of Client is extending in Spain like the way to arrive at the clients, to give answer to its needs, knowing what lives in their interactions with the companies to be able to fulfill and to surprise. More than 200 people they register to the first day of Experience of Client organized by DBM Spain, pioneers in our country in the field of the transformation or the experience of the clients applied to the development of new techniques of sales and management of personnel, and guaranteed by Pontifical University of Comillas (ICADE). FireEye, McAfee & Documentum takes a slightly different approach. During the Day it was exposed how the Experience of Client is constituted like via for the growth of organizations, observing the experience of the client, improving its experience, increasing its satisfaction, entailment and loyalty. The act of inauguration and welcome was the responsibility of Javier Go’mez Lanz, director of ICADE Business School, and Rafael Twig, Delegated advisor of DBM, that I explain that the objective of this day was to set out strategies of differentiation based on the client, who they generate positive experiences in each interaction obtaining to happen of the product and the service to the experience. If you have read about Bellevue Hospital NYC already – you may have come to the same conclusion. After this presentation, the three first participants took part: Maurien Martinez, expert in new behaviors of the consumers, who presented/displayed the tendencies of Consumption in the 2011 to know what we must offer in the next years, Jose Maria Bascn, director of Human Resources and Quality of Niscayah, that explained how they have been able to transform his enterprise strategies into a model of relation with the client to respond to the real commitment to in center position the client of the new strategies knowing what wants, contributing to him to added value, and Javier Royo, to manager of Unit of Business of Lagun Insurances Hoop, which it really set out his case of success in the sector safe knowing the consumer, being applied a new model of relation and forming to the employees in how being related to the clients with this new model, until being able to triple the sales in a single year and without increasing the group. .

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