28. July 2019 · Comments Off on Learning To Read · Categories: News · Tags:

The reading in the school is a conquest object says in accordance with them of HISSES (1988) Becomes necessary, then, to know the cultural pupils and its realities, its necessities and its luggage, its time and its wills for there yes, contextualizados, to extend its horizontes of knowledge through what them he is significant. A known time the clientele the one that the professor will refer itself, will be prepared to insert literature in classroom. This will be generating of behaviors, feelings and attitudes acting in the imaginary one infantile and collective. Richard Linklater describes an additional similar source. To sharpen the pleasure a necessary reading to offer still more to the child what it was to search and of what this so that the encantamento happens. (LAJOLO, 2001) As Lerner the ways for the formation of reading pupils and writers since the daily pay-school include the construction of meaning. Now we know that the reading is always? since the start? an act concentrated in the construction of the meaning We know that the children simultaneously reelaboram the system of writing and the language that if she writes. The objective must be since the start to form reading, therefore, the proposals must be centered in the construction of the meaning also since the start. Film director insists that this is the case.

To construct meant reading, it is basic to have constant chances of if enfronhar in the culture of the writing, to go constructing expectations concerning what &#039 can; ' dizer' ' in this or that text, to go increasing the specific lingustica ability in relation to the written language. (LERNER, 2001) Still, according to LERNER, it is in the school that children will have to also participate of situations of reading and writing, entering in contact with diverse written materials of quality and with different literary sorts. However, to have acquisition and magnifying of knowledge through the reading the necessity is determinative factor of that it also has the understanding of what it is read and not only the decipher of the linguistic code.

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