27. July 2013 · Comments Off on North West · Categories: News · Tags:

On the other hand, most respondents believe that is unlikely or practically impossible: the uncontrolled growth of world population (76%), collisions with large celestial bodies (69%), global cooling (67%), the world's population extinction because of declining birth rates (63%), as well as the exhaustion of fresh water (53%, although a lot and those who think this is a very real threat – 40%). About Global Warming aware 93% of respondents, including one-third of respondents (34%) say they know a lot about this, and 59% have heard something. Nothing is known about the problem of only 5% of the respondents. Traditionally, the most informed respondents with higher and incomplete higher education, this group of global warming know a lot of 41%, whereas in the group with less than average – 22%. Nearly half of respondents, 45% believe that global warming is already started. Another 17% expect to start soon.

According to 21%, global warming will come a very long time. Only 6% say it is not at all. The view that global warming has already begun, most prevalent in the South and Far Eastern federal districts (58-60%), the least – in the North West and the Siberian (31% and 35%). Global warming – probably the result of human activities than natural phenomenon, when the periods of warming and cooling follow each other – say 59% to 30%. According to forecasts of 45%, global warming will lead to catastrophic consequences for mankind. Another 29% expect a small deterioration in the climate. Optimists, 10% of them believe that in some regions of the Earth's climate will improve.

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