11. February 2014 · Comments Off on Operations Person · Categories: News · Tags:

Operations of reproduction of answers. These operations can be carried out through: The abierta practice, versus the concealed practice. The directed practice, versus the unexpected practice. Operations of moldeamiento and fortification.

These operations have their theoretical sustenance in the feedback or feedback, as we know is a form to help to a person or group to consider the possibility of change in its conduct. This communication that offers to the person or group to him, near the moment in which it is perceived and reacted more to its conduct, could be used by 1 person or group in sense to create to him greater brings back to consciousness of how it affects a the other person who surrounds to him, and to stimulate positive changes in its conduct, feelings attitudes and perceptions. Offering information to another person or group, on as its conduct is perceived, not only aid to the other person or group, but also offers the opportunity of which the other person or group indicates correct how or erroneously the sent message is being perceived. Operations of cognitive reconstruction. The majority of the authors agrees in which the success of any procedure of training, is sustained partly, in the information, that it receives the subject before initiating this training. One is due to give information on the importance of the assertive conduct, how it is learned and how the assertive conduct stays, etc. This information will have its effect on the motivation of the person to participate in the training.

Operations of transference of answers. One is due to cause situations in which the training subject can transfer acquired learnings, to situations of the daily life, so that consequences of the daily life take place, so that it takes place consequences that they reinforce and they help the maintenance of the assertive conduct.

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