02. October 2012 · Comments Off on Physical Education Professionals · Categories: News · Tags:

Executing its work of extraordinary form. However these professionals of the Art had finished using the lessons directed for the aged ones as proper benefits itself, using to advantage this moment for the leisure, beyond absorbing new referring conceptions to the Art, therefore they capsize that this, is ample and can be boarded in diverse ways and for different professionals. Finally, thinking about the union and integration of professionals in the search of a solution for the problems pointed here, it was not possible to promote the boarding to interdisciplinar in its complete one if to take in consideration the presented conceptions above. But, the Art was inserted same of shy form, therefore it was treated only by professionals of Physical Education, being these, mere researchers and apreciadores of the Art in its fullness. Our learning in this process of course conclusion will serve as base stops our professional life and for new referring works to the area.

Being that, through this, we wait that new research is carried through with the intention of valuation of the aged one and that the Physical Education can be the precursor of this. Through the carried through interventions it was possible to observe that it had the acceptance of the aged one with the professional of Physical Education, improving its referring vision the union of the Art with the Physical Education and mainly the perception of that still great chances in the search of the new exist. For our experiences as academic () s and in the future performance of our profession, this subject sends to the importance of the Physical Education in not formal environments of education, a time that through it the individual can extend its motor potentialities, cognitivas and mainly partner-affective, necessary for the process of proper unfastening of itself and to rescue cultural, personal and social, lost the values throughout the time.

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