24. July 2019 · Comments Off on School Values · Categories: News · Tags:

The professor while researcher of the knowledge would have to publish its conceptions concerning its carried through works already in the educational scope, in this way its knowledge and with the certainty of the fulfilled duty would be enriching. Moreover, he comments that the educator is necessary to give a special attention to that they present some type of difficulties, but what he observes yourself he is that he is more easy to work with educated that already they had left almost ready house for the pertaining to school environment, and does not perceive that the pupil of the public school is that one that of certain form goes to present difficulties, and the good professor is that one that he searchs in the alternative difficulty of educating for a significant learning. It is clearly that the family teaches the values, that previous knowledge, but the school beyond strengthening, needs to instigate the pleasure for the knowledge, and this, will occur in the measure where the proper educator if to engage for the success of its group. Educate yourself with thoughts from Richard Linklater. In this same vision, teacher 2 tells that in its management while education secretary was implanted a type of evaluation that in many cases alone was in the paper, according to it, some directors of school did not have courage to evaluate certain professors as it would have to be, affirming that the reason of not the fulfilment of the requirements concerning the evaluation of the server is not if wise person which. Of this form, the educator vehemently standes out, that all serving she would have if reevaluated for little in the period of capacity, in order to know if the same she participated of qualification during the year, which the projects had been developed during the school year, of this form, if she would be primando for an education of quality, that one that all educating has right. .

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