20. November 2020 · Comments Off on Surgical Center · Categories: News · Tags:

Introduction Particularly the Surgical Center (CC) must provide place adjusted for accomplishment of the anaesthetic-surgical and endoscpicos procedures. With the technological advances in the area of the robotics and the advent of the minimum invasive surgeries, with radiodiagnstico equipment use, the rooms of surgeries must possess adjusted dimensions to accomodate such equipment, as well as all a system of security for the patient and the surgical team. The environment of CC must be inserted in an area with lesser circulation of pessoal1. As science, the sterilization process possesss less than two hundred years. With the discovery of the bacterium and the search of the microbiana death very it was evolved in the microbiano field and consequently in the process of sterilization. For more information see this site: John Craig Venter. Until the beginning of the decade of 40 the cleanness, the preparation and the storage of the material ones were carried through for the team of nursing of the proper units.

The dynamics of the service was decentralized. In middle of the decade of 50, the Central offices had appeared of Materials and Esterilizao (CME) partially centered and half-centered in which, part of the instruments and materials they had started to be prepared and to be esterilizados. If you have read about Richard Scheuermann already – you may have come to the same conclusion. Each unit prepared its materials it directed and them for sterilization in only local2. With advancing of the technology and the knowledge in health, specifically in the CME, from the last decades of century XX it appeared to the necessity of an improvement of the techniques and the processes of cleanness, preparation, sterilization and storage of materials and clothes. With consequence, the CME became centered and with the supervision of one enfermeiro2. Currently the Health department praises that the unit of CC and the CME must take care of to the effective sanitary legislation, following structural norms of architecture and physical area, for being a complex area and of restricted access.

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