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Summary the AIDS is the advanced clinical manifestation of the infection for the virus of the imunodeficincia human being (HIV) and is characterized for the depletion of the cells with fenotpico marker CD4+, mainly linfcitos T, what it takes to the imunodepresso and the consequent development of opportunist illnesses and other complications, such as complications in the central nervous system. The main objective of this study is to identify from pertinent literature to the subject, the AIDS in the aged one. One was about a study, with bibliographical character, based in pertinent literature to the subject, developed in the bibliographical quantity of the College Saint Emlia de Rodat (FASER), as well as in other sources, such as reviewed and sites indexados of the Internet, based the light of pertinent literature to the subject. Related literature approaches that the Syndrome of the acquired imunodeficincia (AIDS/SIDA) is not more only one illness of the young people. Each time is recognized more than the AIDS does not save the aged segment of the society. The number of confirmed cases of AIDS in patients with age above of 50 years grows in Brazil as in none another etria band.

The survival time is much more short in the aged patients who in the young patients. The possibility of an elderly to be infectada by the HIV seems to be invisible to the proper eyes of the society and the aged ones, since the sexuality in this etria band still is treated as taboo. Moreover, the increase of the life expectancy, the social chances and the disponibilizao of medicines for ertil disfuno, has stimulated the sexual life of the aged one. One concludes that, as well as the young population, the aged population not to be exempt to contract the AIDS, and, therefore, does not have to be exempt of programs directed the promotion of the health and prevention of such pathology. References 1.

IT HISSES, M.C; GOMES. F.S. Profile of the aged ones infectados by the HIV/AIDS: A revision. VITTALLE, Rio Grande, 20 (1): 107-122 2008. 2. VIEIRA, E.B. Manual of Gerontorologia: a manual theoretician-I practise, stops familiar professionals, cuidadores and. 2 ed. Rio De Janeiro: Revinter publishing company, 2004. 3. PASTORE, A.R. Extreme in gynecology and Obstetricses. Rio De Janeiro: Revinter, 2006. 4. SMELTZER, S.C; BARE, G.B. Treated to Surgical Medical Nursing. 10 ed. Rio De Janeiro: Guanabara Koogan, 2005.

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