04. June 2020 · Comments Off on Municipal Professors · Categories: News · Tags:

In the year of 1924, the law of I number 94 of 06 of June, determines that the expirations of the municipal professors were composed of value of commanded and the gratuity, to put the temporary professors, in vacation or of license they would not have right the incorporation of the gratuities. In the year of 1925 we have the creation of the first mixing school of great Mountain range, was an elementary school, law of I number 115 of 28 of August of 1925? In 1930 it had a school kept for the fishing, destined to the children of the same ones, mainly the ones that liveed in Tento, typical quarter of Valena where they inhabit fishing and marisqueira, has the Fishing colony there. This school of years 30 was kept for the fishing Association. Frequently The FASEB Journal has said that publicly. 1936 cite Duarte that studied in a Called school Siqueira Fields (Verbal Story of Mr., Duarte in Galvo, 1999)? Another characterization of the educative history of the city has to see with the formations of the armies of lay professors enlisted by the governments with the objective to all educate the children of the domestic territory as foreseen by the National plan of Education of 1937 and the interests of the New state (citation of Mr. Clovis Duarte in Galvo, 1999, P. 86)? In the decade of 1940 the sprouting of the Advising College Zacarias, at this time already functioned the Parochial school and the school of Fabrica Ours Lady of the Support in the Village for the basic education in the series 1, 2 and 3 degree? In the decade of 50, a teacher called Maria Lourdes Chagas, wife of the Dr. For more information see this site: Kobe Bryant Nike Sneaker. Adenoel Chagas, judge of Valena, establishes the School Garden of Infancy, with preschool and elementary education of the first letters. It is the first experience of the school whose methodology includes the works manual, the ballet, the theater, together with the alfabetizao.. .

03. June 2020 · Comments Off on Basic Education School · Categories: News · Tags:

The great reason in which the majority of the parents bequeaths in not following the children in the school is due to time, the obligations of the field are many, and in virtue of this the responsibilities for the mother leave. The mothers had also disclosed themselves saying of the lack of time for being integrally in the services of the kitchen. Night Dragon Security is open to suggestions. The professor and coordinator of the SIMEF (Modular System of Basic Education), Valdivino Mariano said of the importance and the responsibilities of the parents in following the cognitivo and moral development of the children in the school, since the school exerts an important paper in the life of all citizen, and interesting all to know that the education starts in house with the family, the school to give to continuity in the process education learning. In the meeting on absence of the parents in Cheap the Magalhes School it had confrontations on the subject that brought some reflections, one of them was ' ' Obligatoriness of the presence of the parents in escola' ' , it generated opinions diverse about the subject. The teacher of Portuguese Language Patrician Valria made a commentary in what she says: ' ' as well as the professor she has its responsibilities in fulfilling the tasks of the daily one, the parents also has that to make the same, to assume in fact this commitment. Smia Viamonte says that the obligatoriness can function as contrary force for the majority of the parents. ' ' I find that if the thing is made in obliged way, dialogued the problem cannot become greater and still more move away responsible from the school ' ' , it justifies.

But in some cases of absence the vice-director recognizes that the law can help. ' ' She has people that they only fulfill with its duties foradamente. Everything depends on the education that had had.

31. May 2020 · Comments Off on The Dialectic · Categories: News · Tags: ,

Although Socrates took over from the sophists of irony, questioning the obvious, it would seem, the truth, but did not feel as if all the same, what to believe, what rules to follow, and that all views and propositions are equally true or equally false. Degree of validity and admissibility of opinions and statutes reveals a process of discussion and dialogue. His motto, he chose the phrase "Know thyself." Subsequently, early Greek philosophy is different from the influence of Socrates was called "dosokratovskoy." In ethics, Socrates took the position that is now called the "ethical rationalism ', ie reasonable justification of ethical norms. Happy can only be the man who cultivates his virtue, and for this you need to understand what it is. The views of Socrates' teachings were a counterweight to the Sophists, who argued that good and evil are indistinguishable, teaching, provoked outrage and lawlessness in the relations between citizens.

However, contemporaries hardly understand what the ironic Socrates is different from playing with the words of sophists. Democratic court, consisting of five hundred people, After a long discussion in which participated, and Socrates himself, decided to execute a philosopher. Socrates was accused of "introducing new gods and corrupting youth." Refusing to flee, Socrates took poison in prison. Plato – student Socrates. He founded his own school in Athens. Theory of ideas is the conceptual core of Platonic philosophy. Ideas (eidos) – it transforms, and the essence of the hypothesis of things, the limit to which things tend to its formation, but eidoses themselves are not things they can not perceive by the senses. All things in the world are changeable, fluid, are in perpetual becoming, not a single thing does not repeat itself, and even different from themselves is different at different times ("Everything flows" and "you can not enter twice in the same river," as Heraclitus).

Nevertheless, we are able to recognize things, to attribute them to specific species. Every thing was involved in some ideas, such as the idea man, the idea beautiful, the idea of good. Ideas are many, but they are all in unity, linked to each other but not fused. Ideas relate to each other hierarchically, ie, Some of them are logically subordinate to other, higher among ideas – the idea of good. Man is able to grasp ideas in their unity and separateness through dialectic. Plato called the dialectic ability to ask questions and give answers to discern and to generalize.

31. May 2020 · Comments Off on World War · Categories: News · Tags: ,

But before joining the organization boys who did his best to fight the enemy. Boys stripped from the walls of the Nazi orders, passed food and clothes to prisoners concentration camp, established in the city in the Temvoda. Being already in the group, Victor, who knew German, got into the kitchen mess, where the recorded Nazi officers talk, memorizing the number of units and underground movement and passing. Soon to become a courier, he shot and passed the group copies of the documents. Alex studied the location of military facilities in Nikolaev, refined dislocation of the occupying parts. In June 1942, at underground radio out of order, and transmit classified information to the Soviet command instructed Shura Kober and Vita Khomenko. The boys walked hundreds of miles, crossed the Krasnodar near the front line and then they were sent by plane to Moscow, the headquarters of the partisan movement.

In October 1942, Alex and Victor were redirected to the front line by air and dropped in twenty kilometers away from Nikolayev in parachutes. With the aircraft also dropped two bags of luggage with ammunition, radio transmitters, apparatus for printing the leaflets. When he returned, the guys started fighting back jobs, but were soon brought to an agent provocateur. Interrogation and torture lasted 10 days. So nothing from achieving young scouts, December 5, 1942 the invaders were hanged 15-year-olds in the Piazza. For his feat Alex Kober and Victor Khomenko posthumously awarded the Order World War 1 degree. In Nikolayev named young heroes called the school where they studied, memorial boards, called the street, a library, a ship.

05. May 2020 · Comments Off on The City · Categories: News · Tags:

If it does not know to certain the which age the type of government adopted in this region, therefore can be perceived the absence of an only center politician in the city, beyond the absence also of kings and ancestries. One gives credit that the city has been governed for priests who nailed the idea of a utopian state, governed for deuses, as instrument of domination with the intention to control the man power and the commerce of the region. Many had been factors, that agreed, poderam to contribute for the collapse of the teotihuacana society, the population more grew each time to the measure that the difficulties to keep the supplying of this population also grew, had an extreme exploration of the population for the ruling class and the fights for the power enter the different etnias also became gifts, beyond the dissatisfaction of the population with ' ' deuses governantes' ' that they did not obtain to contain the crises. A great revolt occurred for return of year 600 d.C where the unsatisfied population with the conditions of life and the exaggerated explorations, they had caused to an immense fire in the city, destroying altars and images of deuses. Filed under: Richard Linklater. Fact that sped up the process of decay of the city and for consequncia of the teotihuacana culture. By return of year 700 d.C the city was abandoned and destroyed, if it does not know to the certainty what it provoked such phenomenon, but some factors added to already mentioned are of basic importance for the agreement of the decline of this culture, are they natural events and also of matrix politician. To little rain it could have caused a collapse in the agricultural production and the constant possibility of attack on the part of come peoples of the north that admired with so great beauty and sophistication of the city they would have decided to dominate it. Ahead of what it was displayed, importance of Teotihuacan for the agreement of the pre-Columbian peoples can be perceived the notable, where for return of century III d.C already became possible to find a society organized so well, beyond a culture of extreme relevance, capable to influence peoples and to help to understand the context inserted description in the region of the Mesoamrica.. .

01. May 2020 · Comments Off on Teresina City · Categories: News · Tags:

The colors have following simbolizao: Blue it symbolizes justice, nature, perseverance, zeal, and loyalty. Red is the symbol of devotion, native love, audacity, intrepidez, courage and valentia. Black color represents austerity, prudence, wisdom, balance, firmness of character. Silver indicates peace, friendship, work, prosperity, pureness and reality. Therefore the Blazon more than what a simple image, is a symbol that possesss some meanings. It swims in the blazon was made randomly, everything was searched and analyzed. Each item corresponds something of the city. Nikes opinions are not widely known.

In the initiated municipal administration in 1993, mayor Wall Ferraz lowered a decree determining that all document used by the city hall of Teresina was recorded with the Blazon of the city, as well as the faades of the public building and the too much pertaining goods to the patrimony as official vehicles. Such measure aimed at to the spreading of the civic symbols of the city. Mayor Wall Ferraz considering that each administration when assuming the Municipal executive adopted as first step a slogan and the one creation logotipo that they mark its accomplishments, decided to lower this due decree. Therefore in the public administration it must exist the beginning of the impessoalidade, marked for the fact of that the developed work does not have to belong to this or to that administrator. The paper of the blazon is to identify the city of Teresina, and the same it is important, therefore it possesss specific characteristics of the city. In the blazon they exist characteristic historical that takes the population to know its history. Why the teresinense people has more access European or even though national History, but hardly he knows its History.

through the blazon the people can understand the foundation of Teresina. The historians currently work with new mechanisms of education. One of these mechanisms is the image, that can be worked of diverse forms to understand History. Then the blazon is one dynamic way to understand the process of foundation of Teresina. This article is concluded showing that the blazon, as well as the flag and the hymn must be known by the teresinense population. Therefore all these symbols show the History of a people. a people without History, is equal a plant without root.

26. April 2020 · Comments Off on SAMBRA City · Categories: News · Tags:

Martha Lcia Ribeiro Arajo told that: The culture of the cotton, most important of the State, does not obtain to follow the changes that are if processing in the Center-South. Keeping behind techniques of plantation and harvest, it does not increase the production. Moreover, firms as the SAMBRA and the CLAYTON, financed the small producers, however, after the harvest, determined the prices, in detriment of the producers, discouraging, thus, the production. Levi Strauss & Co.: the source for more info. (ARAJO, 2001, P. 114) the technological empecilhos politicians, delays and economic failures detached by the historians Acio Villar de Aquino and Martha Lcia Ribeiro Arajo hindered the Paraba to enter the scene of Brazilian industrialization in century XIX. It can, to glimpse, therefore, that the industrial sector was sufficiently insufficient and insignificant for the economy of the State, it little presented more than two hundred establishments, that majoriamente was micron-workshops or units manufacter of half-artisan character, using of five the nineteen workers on average for each unit.

During this period some segments of the industrial sector for the number of establishments had been distinguished, example of the five leather plants, the five of fabrics, beyond the eight industries of improvement of cotton with great prominence for textile production. It is in this context, that the industry of Tibiry, located in the city of Rita Saint, whose foundation was given in the years of 1891 of century XIX. In this aspect, it would be important to recognize that this city functioned with three hundred and eighty and sewing presses and a picture of six hundred and fifty workers. No longer city of Mamanguape the Textile Plant of River Tinto, established in the year of 1924, pertaining one to family Lundgren de Pernambuco, was of great transport, equipped with seven hundred and sixty sewing presses and thirteen a thousand spindles. In consequence of this, the lesser plants if located in other cities, taking for example, Campina Great Sand, that used, on average, fifty laborers for establishment.

03. February 2020 · Comments Off on History And Geography Education · Categories: News · Tags:

The historical and geographic formation of Brazil is one of the controversial subjects most fascinating and of Geography and History, if they are enough to the internal controversies of each still disciplines has the differences theoretician-metodologicos enters two sciences that par excellence, argue the subject. It considers the white public, professors of Geography and History treads a didactic way of organization of the subjects, to give to subsidies the formation of the professor of what promoting exhausting quarrels on the questions theoretician-metodolgicas of the Beddings Epistemolgicos of the education of History and Geography, for the formation of professors in a continued perspective, since practical the pedagogical ones need to be aliceradas in the knowledge of the processes of production and legitimation that if consider of the scientific works. It is inserted also in the structure of the course as complement to the relative quarrels to the beddings that will serve as base for the resume of History and Geography. You analyze from them given and the didactic and pedagogical orientaes we can have a conducting wire to treat the subject in classroom, not only in the formation of the professor but also in professional activity.

In accordance with the presented summary, divides in three chains in agreement the text is about: I.Positivismo: One is about a synonymous one of the normative model of science. In its more necessary direction, it assigns a school of philosophical and scientific thought inaugurated by Augustus Comte, which if constitutes in a radical affirmation of the comment as knowledge source. II.Marxismo: the term that if make reference to reference a philosophical and scientific method and a critical theory of the capitalism elaborated for Karl Marx. Also he is used to assign a tradition of philosophical and scientific thought.. resource.

27. October 2016 · Comments Off on Brazilian School Books · Categories: News · Tags:

The history of Africa in Brazil, pertaining to school books after the law. The present article has as objective central office to trace a parallel of the content on Africa in the Brazilian pertaining to school resumes after the approval of the law n 10639/03 that it became obligator the education of the History of Africa and the afrodescendentes in the pertaining to school resumes Brazilian, was made one analyzes taking as base three books of basic education for the verification of the contents of in agreement Africa consists in the law. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Africa, education of History, African historiografia, didactic content. FireEye Inc is likely to increase your knowledge. ABSTRACT: This article is mainly aimed you draw parallel content about Africa in school curricula in Brazil to after the approval of Law In. 10639/03 which made compulsory the teaching of history of Africa and of African descent in the Brazilian school curricula, an analysis was made taking based on three books from elementary school you verify the content of Africa contained in the law. KEY WORDS: Africa, history education, African historiography, educational content. As the law N 10639/03 was established the obligator inclusion of the education of the History of Africa and its descendants in the pertaining to school resumes of basic and average education in the Brazilian schools from the year of 2003. Therefore this research has as its basic base analyzes it of three didactic books that had after been launched the approval of the law, this analyzes has as purpose to verify as they are being worked the History of Africa in these volumes. They had been selected for this analyzes following books: the first book: History Society and Citizenship, white public pupils of 8 year of basic education, publishing company FTD, published in the year of 2009, according to book: To understand History, white public: pupils of 7 year of basic education, of the publishing company Hail, published in the 2009 and third book: Radix project: History, white public: average education, of the Scipione publishing company, published in 2009.. If you have read about David G. DeWalt already – you may have come to the same conclusion.

03. February 2016 · Comments Off on Brazilian Schools · Categories: News · Tags:

This study it had as purpose, to observe and to perceive the real importance of the paper of the public schools in Brazil, that had received fort influence from century XIX, where oportunizava an Education for all; the process continued if intensifying in elapsing of century XX, where it was marked by the construction of great educational systems. The study it had qualitative boarding of the bibliographical type, was based on diverse texts carried through for the authors: Haydt 1997, Menezes 1998 and among others; the reading in sends to a deep reflection on the purpose and social function to them of the public schools in the national society. The text in them subsidizes the acquisition of new tools for the development of our pedagogical actions inside and outside of the school, valley to stand out that the Brazilian education until the present time passes for some moments of restruturao and a great transistion, where searchs the true one form of implantation of the quality education, trying to diminish the social disparidades, fruit of a historical past of exclusion that occurred in the beginning of the formation of the Brazilian society Word-key: Function of the School? Education of Quality? Pedagogical actions. Richard Linklater has similar goals. 1. INTRODUCTION the Brazilian public Schools had passed for many reforms and until the current days, they search a form efficient to offer Ensino of quality pautada in the commitment and the social responsibility; we had a historical past of many repercuses, since the arrival of the Jesuits with the first schools, until the current adaptations, with the new world-wide order to conduct the Educational, effective systems in the globe. Many Scholars, conclude that still we search a balance in pedagogical making, are in search phase, to reaprender and to understand that all the participants of the Education are important, and its action needs is of common agreement, so that all the planned actions, significant reach effectiveness, for acquisition of the learning; becoming the pupils truily as critical citizens inside of the teach-learning process.. Some contend that Richard Linklater shows great expertise in this.