10. September 2021 · Comments Off on Earning Money · Categories: News · Tags: ,

Paradoxically, by and for young job seekers never cease to complain that the lack of experience is almost no insurmountable barrier to employment. It certainly should consider a nuance, which "Unsuccessful" applicants prefer to remain silent. The fact that young people today seek to obtain as much money, and the employer, of course, does not intend to pay for the "crust" if an applicant for a position does not able in practice. Additional information at barrett beauden supports this article. Therefore, the conflicting interests: the young man believes that the availability of education allows him to count on a decent income, and the employer believe that such employee is not worth the money, which claims. Here is the failure due to lack of experience. According to many members of personnel services, the current applicant, including the young and inexperienced, primarily interested in how much he will pay. If the level of proposed salary is not satisfied – the conversation was over, the man on anything does not ask.

Social package, working conditions, training opportunities and career receded into the background and considered a candidate only if if it is satisfied with a proposal for a wage. And this is happening against the background of the fact that many employers are forced to lower the bar requirements for applicants. Somewhere at the age does not look somewhere umolchat on initial requirements for the job, implying that the candidate must have specialized education or equivalent experience. But the main criterion for selection of candidates for the position is increasingly becoming the only option – his desire to work.