03. June 2020 · Comments Off on The Same · Categories: News · Tags: ,

So, serpyanku basically put on a PVA glue. But we can take, and other adhesives. The main thing – that the net hung from the ceiling and that it adheres well to the plaster. By the way, recently went on sale Adhesive serpyanka. Metal grid, "Shoot" to the ceiling with special brackets, hooks, or "pinks" with broad heads. It is needed in that case, when you need a thicker layer of plaster (3 – 5 cm).

In general, the grid recommend to put on all joints and seams. When the plaster dries, cover layer of leveling putty. And if you want to paint the ceiling then do not forget that under the paint to put a coat of primer. The result is "Layer cake". By the way, the master of the construction company "Elite-Comfort" revealed to us a professional secret, "In most cases, we shpaklyuem" Fugenfyullerom "or" Vetonitom ", mixed with white glue. So, this putty surface can not properly primed. " In addition, as a primer, you can use the same paint, which will be painted the ceiling.

But it must be diluted, which use a solvent P-646, approximately 20%. Moreover, take exactly the diluent, which is indicated on the can (if you use water-based paint, then have to be thinned with water). And another important point. As advised by experienced builders, for better quality repair ceiling to use a putty, primer and paint one of the firm. This primarily refers to the primer and paint. Only then can we ensure "interoperability" of materials (that is, they will not flake off, slough, etc.). Align the ceiling to see how even turned the ceiling surface, use different instrumentation, but you can also use traditional methods. Who chooses what – A matter of habit. Some masters mark the ceiling, "beacons" – ordinary nails that pierce in different places so that the hats were in the same (horizontal) plane.

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