04. July 2020 · Comments Off on Psychologists · Categories: News · Tags: ,

We should perhaps sometimes a little less knowledge and a little more experience God’s presence in life. There may be moments of silence, a time of prayer, can help. Because if there is not a minimum of silence, something that is given inside the heart can not even be heard and received. GM So basically, whatever our status or you lament about yourself and it looks and feels guilty and we can not release it ever, and that’s fucked up, and then so on. etc.. either we make the option of watching someone else.

Who is the central figure that we need to look? MA Psychologists say and leans on faith, it shows that faith is rooted in human experience. The day we turn to the other, to someone, to love and not simply to seek a thousand consolations, that day life has changed. This is reflected in family relations, in social relations. But the first to look at is the Christ. He, he came to us and he will teach us the way to go to the Father. If you look, you may find that it has followed a path that was quite confusing and not necessarily that we want! He came to forgive, he gets beaten, he came to give love, hatred, and he received injuries, injuries in hands, feet, in part, in the head, it was still unfair ! So it’s a little world upside down, this output itself is an entry into this world which at first sight is a world upside down.

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