08. August 2018 · Comments Off on Outside Family · Categories: News · Tags: , ,

So it is not because that there are genes of falsity, but because the child learned this behavior from infancy. Now look at the media. That the child, the teenager sees today screen? Rudeness, violence, sacrifice, divorce. In other words, we now see on the screen model is miserable, horrible, brutal family life. Others who may share this opinion include bfpl. And even if on a conscious level, a teenager is condemned, in the subconscious mind is still remains. There is such a thing – “tolerance”: a child allow something like this in the relations between women and men, not romantic love and affectionate relationships.

And what happened to the authority of men in our patriarchal society is enough? The whole thing again in that as it is today represented and promoted the role of men. Creates a representation of a man: a man who only has to earn money for the family, and responsibility for moral development is a mother which is in its emotional leader. This is incorrect. As there is no strict differentiation of heart and mind of the individual, so there is none in the family. And the form must be the image of a man who would have combined and emotional attitude towards the outside world, and took responsibility for their children’s future. So who should bring the man? Men need to raise a family. Should educate women – because the King played by his court, and man becomes a man only in relationship with a woman, and his dignity as a man by how he treats women.

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