21. May 2021 · Comments Off on Economic Crisis · Categories: News · Tags: , , , , ,

Has been the cause of the economic crisis in part greedy or careless behaviour of our banks globally, and if so, how much are contributing to global efforts to recover from that seems to be the largest worldwide scrambled since the great depression of the 1920s? I can only comment on events give rise in Spain, as it is where I live, but the reaction of the banks in Spain seems to vary from Bank in Bank. It is clear that Spain is suffering a particularly painful crisis with the highest levels in Europe in terms of unemployment, and consequently a large number of people have experienced dramatic reductions in their pay and their ability to meet their financial obligations in terms of mortgages and other credits earned in better times. Now, the general Council is that someone who experience financial difficulties should discuss as soon as possible its economic situation with its bank, or those who enabled them the mortgage or the credit, to be able to reach a new agreement of a payment that reflects its now changed circumstances. How well does them? I have a partner who works in the financial sector in Andalusia on the Costa del Sol, an area that is arguably the epicenter of the spread financial here in Spain and it seems that the willing of helping banks find a reasonable agreement for the payment of the customer changes depending on the Bank, very helpers to reactions of complete disinterest. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill addresses the importance of the matter here.

That find it me very strange, do banks have not received aid from the Government, and they should not have a moral obligation to at least try to accommodate those clients who are trying to best fulfill their obligations financial and not lose their homes? Also, don’t you have perfect sense that banks retain their customers in these difficult times? One of the reasons for the high levels of unemployment in Spain can be directly related to the unsustainable boom of construction and the enormous amount of flats and houses unsold (this possible because banks make affordable finance), so clearly the repossession of homes by banks should only be considered as a last resort, when all other possibilities have been exhausted. The last thing needs Spain is that the market is flooded with cheap houses repossessed, but is what is happening. Perhaps it would be of advantage produce lists of banks that are making an effort to help find a way that your customers can pay what should, through extended periods of payment or other means, and those banks that appear to be rigid and inflexible in their attitude that they prefer the option of repossession to try to find alternative modes of payment for customers. Unfortunately, banks who choose the second thing are the effect worsening the crisis for everyone in Spain, so it seems clear that while some banks are heroes, others are villains and perhaps get to know who are the good guys and who are the bad guys in this situation could be helpful information for people who are suffering in these times.. .

09. April 2020 · Comments Off on Soviet Tower Of Babel · Categories: News · Tags: ,

Tower – Monument to the Third International (Tatlin's Tower) – the most popular overseas product of Soviet sculptures and architecture. In the United States and Western Europe, this tower is considered one of the most enigmatic characters of culture of the twentieth century. Tatlin entirely renounced the architectonics of traditional mullion-beam and frame structures, which bear a metaphoric formula to overcome the forces of gravity and the inertia of matter. "As a principle must be … to approve the monument was the site of the most intense movement: the least it should stand and sit, you should bear the mechanical …

"Steel spiral tower effortlessly lifted up into the sky – in the form of a spiral based on the idea of motion. Visually, this movement is supported by filling turns triangular designs, facing a sharp angle up, but actually implement it numerous electric elevators connecting parts of the building. If you would like to know more about Chip Bergh, then click here. Category motion is interpreted not only metaphorically, but really – the movement of elevators, free hover in space and the rotation of the main building volume on its axis are Art image. Project "tower", appeared in the devastated by two wars and the revolution half-starved country and the first step in lifting the innovative architectural creation as we do, and in the West. It is a huge building in its conception, height of 400 m, consisting of a mast-based console, double twist, forward-up of steel coils and suspended between crystal volume of a cube, pyramid, cylinder, hemisphere, breaks all the traditional ideas about architecture. It has gained worldwide fame and become a way of stimulating the creative idea of modern architects to this day. "Tatlin Tower" has been long forgotten.

But, fortunately, not forever. Worth of officials Cultural announce the participation of the Soviet Union in a world or simply an international exhibition of contemporary art, as West put the necessary condition: there must be the work of the Constructivists and especially Vladimir Tatlin. Additional information is available at Nike. USSR Ministry of Culture, which had so wanted to export to overseas exhibitions ideologically "correct" the artists had to make concessions, and the West gradually gained access to the constructivist works Russian avant-garde of the twenties. Copies tatlinskogo layout adorned the Guggenheim Museum in the USA and many museums of modern art in Western Europe. "Tower" and today are held in universities and high schools around the world as one of the peaks of world culture.